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A Geoff Crowley Collection
Hymn No. 1 .
Hymn No. 2
Hymn No. 15 .
Hymn No. 15
Hymn No. 16 .
Hymn No. 17
Hymn No. 18 .
Hymn No. 19
Hymn No. 21 .
Hymn No. 22
Hymn No. 23 .
Hymn No. 24
Hymn No. 25 .
Hymn No. 26
Hymn No. 27 .
Hymn No. 29
Hymn No. 31 .
Hymn No. 33
Hymn No. 33 .
Hymn No. 34
Hymn No. 35 .
Hymn No. 36
Hymn No. 37 .
Hymn No. 46
Hymn No. 47 .
Hymn No. 49
Hymn No. 50 .
Hymn No. 51
Hymn No. 53 .
Hymn No. 64
Hymn No. 65 .
Hymn No. 66
Hymn No. 67 .
Hymn No. 68
Hymn No. 69 .
Hymn No. 71
Hymn No. 72 .
Hymn No. 73
Hymn No. 74 .
Hymn No. 74
Hymn No. 75 .
Hymn No. 95
Hymn No. 105 .
Hymn No. 154
Hymn No. 157 .
Hymn No. 384
Hymn No. 384 .
Hymn No. 389
Hymn No. 392 .
Hymn No. 393
Hymn No. 394 .
Hymn No. 401
Hymn No. 402 .
Hymn No. 412
from a series of books called
"Collected Hymns"
a supplement to HO& N
Humbly We Enter His Presence
God Hath Not Promised
I Would Be True
Give Me
He Lives
Just As I Am
Rock Of Ages
Come To Jesus
Close To Thee
Abide With Me
Love Lifted Me
Amazing Grace
Alone With God
Blessed Assurance
More About Jesus
More Love To Thee
Nearer Still Nearer
I Am Trusting Thee
How Great Thou Art
Break Thou The Bread
I Need The Every Hour
Ye Must Be Born Again
I Love To Tell The Story
Nearer, My God, To Thee
Yesterday, Today, Forever
I Was A Wandering Sheep
Jesus Is Passing This Way
Have Thine Own Way Lord
O Love that will not let me go
Oh The Love That Sought Me
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
I Know Whom I Have Believed
May The Lord Depend On You?
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home
Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
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Just As I Am (Web-Master's Choice) Bedridden before middle age, Charlotte Elliott had become a demanding recluse. She was caustic and skeptical of the religion preached to her by a friend. She asked how she was supposed to come to God. The friend responded, "just as you are." More than a decade later, she penned the hymn, a desperate plea for salvation known as the most famous altar song ever composed. It is a popular selection of sacred music that has been called the "world's greatest soul-winning hymn." Some say that it has influenced more people than any other song of worship.
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Since July 4, 2001
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